(303)438-6604 info@BellaPelleLaser.com

When you look at your lawn and has lost its lush green what do you do?  When your roses aren’t as beautiful as they could be, what do you do? When your vegetable garden isn’t producing like it should, what do you do? Of course, you fertilize it. We all know you’ll see great results a few days, or weeks, after applying a good fertilizer.

When you look at a fertilizer it is basic nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other minerals. Isn’t fertilizer like a multivitamin for your plants?

I talk to many people who say they get all the nutrients from the food they eat. Isn’t that like your lawn and garden? Shouldn’t they be able to get all the nutrients they need from the soil? Many people walk around like your garden. The plants are still growing. They are still producing flowers and fruit, so they are doing OK, but you know with some good fertilizer they’ll do much better.

We can easily get enough nutrients from a good healthy diet to prevent the diseases of deficiency   like beri beri, scurvy, pellagra, rickets, etc., but, like your garden, you can be much healthier.

So how does better nutrition and health manifest in us?  We aren’t plants, but imagine every cell of your body, every organ, every skin cell, your eyes, etc. having all the nutrients they need to operate at their best. Here are some ways:

  • If you’re immune system can do its best possible job, would you get sick less? 
  • If your brand new skin cells have every nutrient they need when they are formed, how would they look when they become your “Skin” we see a month or two later?
  • If your skeletal system had all the nutrients it needs and in the right proportions to build stronger bones, would it?
  • What about that one cell that mutates and becomes a cancer cell, how could your immune system and the rest of your body deal with it? Could it stop it from growing larger, or at least greatly slow it down?
  • How much better could your organs function? Brain, heart, liver, eyes, kidney, etc,

You are like your garden, you may be doing OK, but how much better could you feel if you had all the nutrients you needed to be at your absolute best health. That is what a very high quality multivitamin and other phytonutrients can do for your body. You’ve heard the term a “Healthy Glow” that is what you’ll see on the outside, and if you could look inside, you’d see every organ with a healthy glow.