(303)438-6604 info@BellaPelleLaser.com

Brandy Here is a great post about how a dogs ear infections cleared up after changing foods. Please read this short article, then come back and finish this article. Click Here for the article about what we can learn about nutrition from a dog.

So by changing from a grain to a grain free dog food Brandy’s ear infection cleared up on its own. So how does this relate to our skin? The real secret is inflammation. Inflammation affects every organ in your body and your largest organ is your skin. This increased inflammation can show up as acne, rosacea, and can exacerbate many other skin problems.

If you can change your diet to eat more fruits, vegetables, lean means, and only 100% whole grains in moderation, you can see a great improvement in your skin and overall health. We can also recommend high quality supplements to help reduce inflammation as well. Look at the before and after pictures of Claudia’s skin, that is due much in part to eating better and really loading up on supplements to reduce the inflammation in her whole body.

So, take a tip from Brandy: To have better looking skin, eat better, and take some high quality supplements to give yourself the extra boost.

If you live in the metro Denver Boulder area please call us and schedule a visit. Laser hair removal consultations are free and we can also help with your skin health too.