(303)438-6604 info@BellaPelleLaser.com

There comes a point in every woman’s life when no amount of beauty products or water consumption will bring back the dewy, supple skin of her youth. Most of them will try anything regardless, relying on an arsenal of techniques that range from the uncomfortable to the unthinkable. They quickly find that repeated slapping, hanging upside down and crusty green masks stimulate nothing but laughter from whomever they live with.

Ironically, these women—who are so willing to try everything—have an overwhelming fear of professional skin treatments that promise real results.

About 75% of women report being unsatisfied with the appearance of their skin: they desire a cosmetic procedure that delivers results, but have legitimate fears about pain, downtime, side effects and costs. Their Skinhibitions are holding them back.
Sublative delivers effective results while eliminating the aforementioned apprehensions. Radiant, lifted skin is achieved without a needle or knife, without downtime and without the high cost of surgical techniques.

A broad range of patients seek Sublative treatment, from mature women who desire a lifted look to 30-somethings who want to take their beauty routine above and beyond antioxidant serums and creams. A significant number of women are starting their anti-aging efforts sooner in an effort to slow the inevitable.

In your 20s
Active oil production gives skin its dewy glow but also causes breakouts and, as a result, acne scars. Wearing protective armor, such as sunscreen and eye cream, and adopting a healthy lifestyle are the first steps toward preserving a youthful appearance. Avoid partying into the late hours, smoking, sun tanning and yo-yo dieting—the cumulative effects will show up later in life. New skin cells reach the surface in about 28 days.

In your 30s
The skin is slower to “bounce back” after a night without sleep or too much alcohol. Collagen production, cell turnover and oxygen flow have slowed and it’s starting to show in the form of dullness and fine creases. Other physical changes include enlarged pores, deeper expression lines, broken capillaries and puffiness or dark circles under the eyes. At this stage skincare becomes more specialized but are incapable of doing the “heavy lifting.”

In your 40s
It suddenly takes a lot more work to look the way you want. Once women hit 40, it’s easy to tell who’s been taking care of their face and who hasn’t. Skin is drier, thinner and less firm because lipid and estrogen levels have dropped. Loss of elasticity means skin is losing its bounce and fluctuating hormones can still cause occasional breakouts. New skin cell turnover slows and may take 40 days.

In your 50s +
It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. At this stage, topical treatments – combined with a healthy lifestyle – still have plenty of wrinkle-fighting promise. However, they can’t replace doctor’s office procedures when it comes to eliminating serious sun damage and sagging. New skin cell turnover really slows and may take up to 50+ days to reach the surface.