(303)438-6604 info@BellaPelleLaser.com

We are often asked what the difference is between laser hair removal and electrolysis. I had a post several months ago which went into a lot of detail, but to make it very brief, here are the differences:

  • Electrolysis – A thin wire is slid down into the hair follicle. A current is applied for a second, and the one hair follicle is cauterized and the hair is removed. So one hair at a time, slow, and mild discomfort.
  • Laser Hair Removal – A pulse of high energy light, a laser, is focused on the skin. It penetrates the skin, and heats up the dark pigmented hair in the follicle disabling it. The spot size varies with different lasers and even some lasers can adjust the spot size, but ours can go up to 18mm (3/4 inch) diameter. With each pulse dozens or hundreds of hairs are treated.

Bottom line, laser is much faster and can treat a much larger area than electrolysis. Electrolysis though is very precise, so for fine shaping of say the eyebrows. Electrolysis can also be used very near the eye since you don’t run the risk of laser light entering the eye.

Please visit us for your Denver Laser Hair Removal needs at Bella Pelle Laser www.BellaPelleLaser.com