(303)438-6604 info@BellaPelleLaser.com

This is an old wives tale. Shaving has earned this reputation because natural hair left alone has a soft tip and has been exposed to light for a while, making it potentially lighter in color. Newly grown shaving stubble has a blunt end from the previous shave, and is just emerging into the light of day so it is as dark as it will ever be.

Studies have shown that shaving has no influence on density or thickness of the hair. After all the follicle is quite a bit deeper than the skin surface.

Think about it, 75% of men experience some degree of baldness, if shaving promoted hair growth then men would just need to shave their heads periodically to stimulate new hair growth – But that doesn’t happen.

So feel free to shave, it won’t cause any new hair growth.

Please visit us at Bella Pelle Laser to find out more about laser hair removal. We serve the metro Denver and Boulder area.