(303)438-6604 info@BellaPelleLaser.com

Wising you a Happy New Years

At the stroke of midnight we’ll begin a new year with new goals and new challenges. Most people will make New Years resolutions, that usually only last a few weeks.  If one of yours is weight loss, give us a call. We offer a weight loss program which is...

Brain Getting a Little Foggy? This can help.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? You get up, get yourself ready, drive yourself to your local shopping center, and then once you get to your destination, you stop… stand there… and think: “What did I need to get here?” Then you don’t remember until you get back...

Top Foods for Healthy Skin

Since holiday eating is on everyone’s mind, I figured this month’s Inside Beauty is the perfect time to talk about feeding your skin. There are some pretty tasty options out there that are miracle workers when it comes to a healthy, glowing complexion. This holiday...

Eat your way to Beautiful Skin.

I know you hate dieting, and all in the name of beauty, well and for health too. But did you think your diet could be harming your skin? When most people reduce calorie intake to lose weight they also unknowingly reduce their nutrient intake too. You want to burn more...